Takoda Peak ("Kody")
ILR # 294438
male b. 07.19.2020
King Ashers Legado x Rattlesnake Ridge Altairr's Rigel
click on the photo to see more pictures of Takoda on ipernity
Kody has matured at a solid 44". He is a very confident young fellow with nearly all the traits we look for in pack prospects and breeding stock — excellent conformation, good muscling, great use of hindquarters, and a very sane mind. He is active, yet has self-control.
Kody descends from multiple lines of proven pack llamas, unrelated to our own herd (except Joey). His dam (and her relatives) were turned out to fend for themselves when the owner lost interest. Those llamas were later rounded up and slowly brought back to health (at no small expense, and with considerable effort and tears) by our friends at Rattlesnake Ridge Ranch. Takoda was not planned, but "happened" when his sire — proven packer and escape artist — discerned there was a willing female among the rescues.
We are enjoying Kody's companionship, and we look forward to getting more trail time with him.. He's a sharp cookie, a calm cucumber, and one physically talented dude!
Takoda is a Sioux word that means "friend to all", and our Kody certainly wants to be friends with everyone. We appended "Peak" to honor his late grandsire, Slate Peak.