Lost Creek Ranger Seedskadee
ILR # 293392
male b. 05-10-2019
Lost Creek Troubadour
x Lost Creek Ranger Tokatee
Seedskadee gets attention from others for his spots, but he has our attention because he's got the physical attributes we want and he's also one sharp cookie!
Besides his physical suitabiility for packing, Seedskadee has inherited Troubadour's people-person disposition — in spades! — as well as confidence and an exceptionally gentle nature.
Seedskadee is under evaluation as a limited-use, private reserve stud prospect; we hope he'll meet our critiera to be the successor to his sire. If not, it's virtually impossible that he would ever leave — Seedskadee and Gwen share a birthday, and a pretty strong relationship as well.
"Seedskadee" is an English adaptation of the Shoshone word for the Green River, in turned named for the sage grouse; it's also a wildlife refuge in SW Wyoming. And it seems a fitting name for an appaloosa llama!