Other Llama Sites

Maintaining a comprehensive and current list of llama site links is simply beyond our means (there's only 24 hours in a day, and a lot of competition for those hours already!). Besides, when we started this site, there was no such thing as "Google" or a search engine. Now there's more ways than just us to find llama sites, for better or worse.

For travellers' convenience, we have provided a basic listing of some sites that we have found to be especially useful. Many of these sites have additional links you can follow.

On-Line Information and Connections for Llama Packers

Pack Animal Magazine (has backissues of The Backcountry Llama Newsletter)
Pack Llama Trial Association

Books, Videos, Equipment, and Supplies

Eagle Cart / Llamatopia
Llama Hardware / Flaming Star Llama Products
Lost Creek Llamaprints
Rocky Mountain Llamas
Mt. Sopris Llamas Unltd.

For straight-shooting commentary on available literature,
see our annotated llama literature list

National Organizations

ILR — International Lama Registry