Problematic behavior in llamas
and misdirected territorial aggression

Next steps — breaking the cycle and obtaining help

After castration, move the llama completely off his territory (that means out of the visual territory boundaries, not just out of his old pasture) and into an older, stronger male's (or gelding's) well-established territory as soon after castration as it is medically feasable.

You may take advantage of our extensive knowledge and experience through phone or email consultation for free. If the situation is unusual and better dealt with through videotape training correspondence, we will let you know, but most llamas' behavior can be successfully addressed by a few phone or email exchanges.

If we know of someone in your area that is qualified to work with you, we can refer you to that person.

Above all, if you intend to succeed, DO NOT take advice from people who have only failed — or who usually fail — to rehabilitate llamas. Many llamas have been needlessly killed after a self-proclaimed "expert" declared that they could not be saved, whether before or after working with the llama (and sometimes after doing the wrong things and making the situation worse).

Although we fully expect to one day find a llama we cannot get through to, we have a 100% success record thus far, including one llama declared dangerous by a famous trainer-clinician and many more llamas declared hopeless and in need of immediate euthanasia by a plethora of self-proclaimed experts, including long-time llama owners, breeders, and veterinarians. These llamas have all gone on to become well-loved, trusted animals, even for first-time llama owners. That alone should speak for itself.

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